Friday, April 15, 2016

one of my speeches

personal letter




dear sweet Kojun,
i feel that with all this war that has taking place in the last few years we have lost so many men and families that are innocent that if we had stayed in the war any longer the america would have bombed us again and i don't want anymore innocent peoples blood spelt. i want to rebuild what has been destroyed.

i'm sending you this letter because if they put me to death i just want you to know that i love you and you were always there for me.i hope you don't think i'm a coward for surrendering to america but i just had to. we been in war to long killed to many people and lost too many men. i wish you understand and please kiss our childern for me and tell them that their father said he loves them. 

                                                                                                  hirohito ( your love )

news clippings

these news clippings show when the war ended and how the american went to  japan to make agreements with the Japanese. one also show Roosevelt appeal hirohito.  

Hirohito was also knowned as the showa emperor of japan. he was also a the leader of the Japanese at the time when america was at war with japan in ww2. he was the one  to approve the attack to pearl habor. while many didn't know the emperor was at a place ewere he had no say in politics.he was a good leader in some people eyes and also a bad one in others. but people looked at him different when he surrender to america. but trough out the whole war he just wanted peace.  

timeline of major events